Export or import your blog

Imports and exports are only for posts and comments. If you want to save a copy of your template, click the Backup/Restore button on the Template tab.
You can export a copy of your blog to your computer and import the posts and comments into a different Blogger blog.

Export Your blog

  1. Sign in to blogger.com.
  2. Under “Settings,” click Other.
  3. Go to the “Blog Tools” section.
  4. Click Export Blog.
  5. Click Download blog.
Your blog will be saved as a .xml file. Don’t worry, the blog is still in your dashboard and on Blogger.com.
Import, export, and delete

Import posts and comments into another Blogger blog

Here’s how to import the blog you exported into a new blog:
  1. Sign in to blogger.com.
  2. Under “Settings,” click Other.
  3. Go to the “Blog Tools” section.
  4. Click Import Blog.
  5. Select a Blogger export file (.xml) from your computer./li>
  6. Click Publish.
By default, all of your imported posts will remain unpublished until you publish them from your dashboard later. However, if you would rather have all posts published immediately, make sure to check the box next to Automatically publish all imported posts before you click Import Blog.


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